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Registered Cape Town Gas Installer - FAQS

Do I need a COC even if I only have a small gas bottle in my cupboard?

As a gas installer I often hear the question, “Why do I need a gas certificate when I only have a small gas bottle in the cupboard with a piece of hose connected to my hob or braai.

Well the answer is a very simple yes and I will explain why.

Portable Gas Appliances

Firstly we must not confuse a built-in gas appliance with a portable gas appliance. The more common examples of portable appliances are camping gas stoves, stand up gas patio heaters or roll about gas heaters. 

These are appliances that generally take a 9kg gas bottle and can be moved to any room or position, be it in your home or Lapa. They are even seen in open air restaurants and pubs that have outside entertainment areas. In fact some establishments even have them indoors in the colder months.

These type of appliances fall under a separate set of regulations and you do not need a certificate of compliance if you have them in your home.  

We have all seen and used them. They are safe if used correctly, but remember it’s still a gas appliance and as with any gas appliance or installation, if not correctly maintained or used incorrectly, they can become dangerous and have catastrophic consequences.  

Built-In Gas Appliances

We then have appliances that are gas installations which are of a permanent nature or built-in and the gas installation or appliance cannot be moved.

These would be gas hobs, gas stoves or gas ranges, gas fireplaces, built-in gas braai's, gas water heaters, gas space heaters and so the list goes on. 

These are gas appliances that when you sell the home, they and the gas installation for them would remain and be used by the purchaser after transfer and occupation.

So, just as you require an electrical, plumbing and beetle certificate for the transfer of your home you now too need a gas certificate of compliance. 

Gas Installation Certificate of Compliance

The law states, Section 17(3) of Government Notice R734 of 15 July 2009, Government Gazette 32395,   that on the change of ownership of a property that has a gas installation, an updated certificate of conformity must be delivered to the new purchaser and the cost of this certification is for the seller’s account.

Most banks providing the purchaser a mortgage over the property require a copy of the gas installation certificate of compliance (gas COC). 

They are well aware that insurance companies do not accept liability for any damage to a property that has a gas installation where the owner is not in possession of a valid gas installation certificate.

This gas installation certificate is specific to each property and contains details of the installer, the appliances, the installation, equipment used, and the amount of gas on the premises and the date of installation.

Registered Cape Town Gas Installer

So why risk your home, your family, friends and pets? Have your gas installation certified even if you not planning to sell immediately. 

And if you are thinking of changing from electricity to gas, contact The Gas Works and we will gladly answer any of your questions pertaining to LPG and your gas COC.


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