The Gas Works News Blog

How to Avoid Gas Shortages This Winter

Cape Town Gas Installer: Addressing Gas Shortages 

Who will forget the helplessness of the gas shortages in 2015? You arrived at the gas shop only to find that there was a 3 day delay in getting your gas bottles refilled.

Not only were you stuck with a cold house (or hob) for 3 days, but you had to drive all the way back to the distant supplier for your refilled gas bottle. (Which may or may not have been refilled when you went back to fetch it).

The reality is that our local refineries have reached their maximum capacity and cannot stay abreast of the demand for gas especially over the high consumption periods in Winter. 

Gas Installation Woes

As a Cape Town gas installer we ofter receive calls from clients requesting the installation of their new gas hobs or gas stoves or gas heaters, only to learn that the actual delivery of the LPG gas bottles have been overlooked.

This is not what you want to experience in the middle of winter and neither would you want to run out of gas at the last minute either .. while trying to fire up your gas stove or your gas heater with the rain coming down outside!

Depending on your peak gas usage, it is wise to keep up to a month's supply of gas as replacement for your already connected gas bottles. And with gas becoming more expensive it's important to store your gas bottles safely too!

Depleted gas bottles should be replenished as soon as they are empty and you should not wait until you run out of spare gas to do so.

Some more good gas news

Good news though is that the Saldanha LPG Import Terminal – a project undertaken by Sunrise Energy – is well under way and will be commissioned and operational by April 2017.

So what is the Saldanha LPG Import Terminal you ask and how does it help us all?

LPG is prepared by refining petroleum or "wet" natural gas, and is almost entirely derived from fossil fuel sources, being manufactured during the refining of petroleum (crude oil), or extracted from petroleum or natural gas streams as they emerge from the ground.

The Saldanha LPG Import Terminal will alleviate gas shortages. LPG is already imported but the new terminal will allow storage for way more.

Phase 1 of Sunrise Energy Terminal, which includes 5,500 ton storage, will allow for the importation of up to 17,500 ton LPG per month.

The project is designed in a modular way to respond to growth in demand, with an ultimate storage capacity of 16,500 ton, corresponding to a throughput capacity of 52,000 tons/month or 624 kilotons per annum.

For assistance in installing your gas appliances contact us.


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