The Gas Works News Blog

From category archives: The Gas Works News

Gas Heaters

Optimize Your Home's Water Heating with Gas Geysers

When it comes to heating water for your home, choosing the right type of geyser can make a significant difference in efficiency, cost savings, and environmental impact.

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Gas Appliances as a Green Alternative for Cape Town Homes

Traditional energy sources, such as coal and electricity, are often associated with high greenhouse gas emissions, making them unsustainable in the long run. This is where gas appliances come into the picture.

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Gas Geysers – The Energy-Efficient Solution for Hot Water

While solar water heaters are a popular choice for many, gas geysers are emerging as an elegant and energy-efficient solution for hot water in a renewable home in South Africa.

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Keep Yourself Warm this Winter with Gas

As much as many of us would like to deny it, winter is fast approaching us and this means our biggest priority is staying warm and cosy.

So, this is a good time to start thinking about how exactly you plan to take that unwelcome winter chill out of your household.

Many South African homeowners rely on electricity for water heating, cooking as well as heating rooms, which usually results in a really high electricity bill at the end of each month during winter.

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Season’s Greetings - Gas Installers in Cape Town

As we come to the end of 2018, our gas installers in Cape Town take a look at the year that has passed and we feel proud of what we have achieved in terms of being one of the best places to go to for gas installations in Cape Town.

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LPG Gas Heater safety precautions

An appliance that is often neglected whern it comes to Gas Safety in the home is the LPG Gas Heater.

A registered gas installer is not required by law to provide your home with heating with these handy gas appliances.  Gas Roll-About Heater Manufacturers provide simple operating instructions, and it is important that you follow these.

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