The Gas Works News Blog

Gas Safety Tips - How to Store your Gas Cylinder Safely

Many homeowners have chosen gas for at least one of their household appliances, whether it be for cooking, spatial heating or water heating.

Easily one of the biggest motivators for this is that gas is one of the most affordable and renewable sources of energy available to us.

However, due to the dangerous nature of unsafe gas cylinders, it’s important that everyone in the household is aware of the gas cylinder storage regulations in South Africa.

storing a gas cylinder safely

Safe Storage of Gas Cylinders in your Home

Storing your gas cylinder the right way is an important part of gas safety protocols in your home. By following a gas cylinder safety checklist, you can prevent serious injury or damage to your home.

Therefore, our gas installers in Cape Town have put together a list of do’s and don’ts for storing your gas cylinder safely in your home:

Gas Cylinder Storage Do’s

Store your Cylinder in an Upright Position

For safety reasons, gas cylinders are designed to be oversized. This means that even when they are full, there will still be some empty space available in the cylinder to allow the gas to expand. This empty space is known as an ullage.

The pressure relieve valve must be positioned in the ullage and for that to happen, the cylinder must be stored upright and, on a sturdy, level surface.

Store your Cylinder in a Well-Ventilated Area

Although gas is perfectly safe when it’s inside its cylinder, it can cause severe damage if it leaks, especially into an enclosed space.

Therefore, in the event of an accidental leak, it’s important that you store your gas cylinder in a well-ventilated area so as to prevent issues related to gas build up.

Keep your Gas Cylinder Cool

Heat creates pressure and a gas cylinder under pressure is extremely dangerous. Under normal circumstances, the pressure relief valve will release any excess pressure that builds up, but these valves can become faulty, especially if not properly maintained.

Therefore, keep your gas cylinder far away from direct sunlight and any other sources of heat such as open flames, radiators and stoves.

Gas Storage Don’ts

Don’t Store your Gas Cylinder Below Ground Level

If you store your gas cylinder in a basement or cellar and it starts to leak, the gas will not be able to dissipate, creating a build up of gas in an enclosed space.

Don’t Smoke Near your Gas Cylinder

It’s not always possible to detect or identify a leaking gas cylinder, so it’s important to not smoke anywhere near any gas cylinders. Lighting a match or igniting a lighter to light your cigarette could be fatal.

Don’t Neglect Your Gas Cylinder

Regardless of how long you store your gas cylinder for, it still needs regular repair and maintenance. This ensures that the pressure relief valves and all other safety mechanisms are working properly.

The Gas Works – Gas Installations in Cape Town

The importance of storing your gas cylinder safely cannot be stressed enough. Gas safety awareness will protect you and your family from injury and your home from severe damage.

In addition to this, making sure your gas appliance installations are carried about by qualified gas installers will ensure that your installation is as safe as it can be.

Our gas installers in Cape Town are trained and qualified gas installers who are committed to adhering to the necessary safety standards and guidelines. We also provide a gas clearance certificate for every installation that we complete.

For more information about our services, please feel free to contact us.


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