Among many others, the cost benefits of gas make it one of the best options when it comes to energy sources and soon, it may replace oil as the leading source of power generation.
Due to its cost effectiveness, flexibility and availability, natural gas has been found to compliment the generation mix better than most resources currently found in the mix.
The generation mix refers to the combination of energy sources to meet the relevant energy needs of the geographic region.
Currently, Eskom is using approximately 91% coal in their mix. Coal is not only expensive, but it’s not environmentally friendly nor is it renewable.
Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the lowest household electrification rates in the entire world. This means that there are more people than there is available electricity.
However, ongoing developments have resulted in natural gas surpassing electricity as an available source of energy that is not only affordable but also far more renewable than its fossil counterparts.
Extensive projects in Sub-Saharan Africa have resulted in more than 600 MW of power being added to Ghana’s grid, with the goal of an additional 900 MW in the near future.
These projects involve using natural gas to fuel gas turbines in a first of its kind configuration to provide enough electricity equal to about 17% of Ghana’s installed capacity.
On completion of these projects, this will be Africa’s first LPG-fired power plant as well as the world’s largest LPG-fired power plant.
Similar but much smaller projects are being added to other areas of Sub-Saharan Africa such as Angola, Ivory Coast and Nigeria.
Apart from the undeniable cost benefits of gas, the above-mentioned LPG-fired gas power plants aim to be flexible enough to use LPG, diesel or LNG, adding to its versatility in application and also minimising the risk of interrupted power.
Another notable benefit of natural gas is that it provides fast, almost instantaneous power.
Apart from the cost benefits of gas, there are numerous advantages of using gas as an energy source, whether it’s at home, in the office, or for the firing of power stations.
We are qualified installers of gas appliances in Cape Town and ensure that our installations meet all the relevant safety standards.
For more information about our services, or if you require a gas compliance certificate, please feel free to contact us.
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